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Many students with disabilities feel that studying online will be the solution to their accommodation needs. You may be considering online study for the same reasons. What you need to be aware of is that studying online creates the need for a whole different set of accommodations. You should enroll in an online course after you have taken the time to carefully consider the requirements of taking an online class and your strengths and weaknesses.

参观 在线课程支持 p年龄 for more information about online courses and tools for success.

在线学习适合我吗? 问自己这些问题:


The independent nature of online classes require a firm grasp on the ability to man年龄 your time. You will be required to set a regular study schedule, 跟踪作业和截止日期, 以及参与在线讨论. This may be more difficult without regular, in-person reminders from an instructor. This requires discipline to ensure that the course is not forgotten in your day-to-day activities.

Does my 残疾 affect my ability to process and comprehend written information?

适用于某些残疾人士, 管理内容, directions and discussion in an online course becomes increasingly difficult. Information in an online course is frequently delivered via written material on the class's web site. The instructor will not be immediately available to deliver the information auditorily or to provide clarification for any misunderstood concepts or assignments.

Will I need to utilize assistive technology to complete this course?

For some students with disabilities, the use of assistive technology is necessary. This can pose a challenge if some aspects of the online course man年龄ment system are not compatible with the assistive technology you are using. Try to use your assistive technology with the sample course to identify any challenges that you will encounter while eng年龄d in online study.

How comfortable am I with computers and technology?

It is important to be aware of your current comfort level with technology and computers. 你是数字原生代吗? 或者你是一个数字移民? Digital natives are those students who have grown up with computers, are quite agile in manipulating the technology and are comfortable using all forms of technology. Digital immigrants didn't grow up using technology.

For many digital immigrants, technology's widespread use came after they had entered adulthood. The technology is more difficult for digital immigrants to navigate and appears to be more mysterious.  Accessing all course information and instruction in an online format may be more intimidating and stressful than engaging in guided independent study. Knowing your comfort level with computers and technology will allow you to determine whether or not online study is for you.


It's important to be aware of your expectations of the online classes.

  • What kind of interaction are you expecting from the instructor?
  • Are you expecting a lot of personal interaction or a little?
  • Do you think that you will have a lot of writing to do or not as much?

You should find out as much as possible about the format of the online classes, 教官对你的期望, and what you need to do to successfully complete the course. The more information you learn about the requirements before to enrolling and beginning the classes, the better you can determine if online format is suitable for you.


  1. Student will review the DSPS webp年龄 which provides information regarding services, 资源, 程序, 权利, 责任与诉求.
  2. Student will review the DSPS Student Online Orientation and complete the forms.
  3. Student will provide the DSPS office at their campus location with documentation of 残疾 from a learning disabilities specialist or licensed professional such as a medical doctor, 心理学家或精神病学家.  Documentation should be current and contain diagnosis of 残疾 but also the 残疾 related 限制 on the student’s ability to perform major life activities.
  4. Upon receipt of Application and 残疾 verification, the student will be contacted by DSPS.  The DSPS Specialist will contact the student in response to their accommodation request.
  5. The Student and specialist will have a discussion of strengths, 目标, 限制, 班级基本要求, 或类, 服务和住宿的选择.
  6. When necessary the DSPS specialist will e-mail the instructor for clarification of fundamental requirements.  
  7. The DSPS specialist will complete a Support Services Agreement form and will email it to the student.  The student will sign their agreement and generally email the completed form back to DSPS.
  8. 每个新班级,每个新老师, the student will email the new instructor and the DSPS specialist to request accommodations at least ten days before the date accommodations are needed, and preferably before the beginning of the semester.
